Femicide-certain controversial issues and comparative law review
Author/s: Kovačević, Milica, Maljković Marija,
Pages: 69-88
UDK: 343.61-055.2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47152/rkkp.62.3.4
Abstract: During the last decades, the phenomenon of femicide has attracted the attention of both the scientific community and the wider public. However, despite the willingness to address the problem of gender-based violence, the number of murdered women is not decreasing. As a result, there is growing discussion on whether or not femicide ought to be treated like a distinct crime. Hence, the paper is devoted to general considerations about femicide and issues related to its narrower and broader definition, with the aim of answering the question of whether it is necessary to criminalize femicide as a specific type of murder. The authors have applied normative, logical and comparative legal methods, in order to point out the existing solutions in some European countries and certain controversial issues. By analysing literature and selected legal documents, they conclude that the criminalization of femicide by criminal or other laws is welcome and useful, despite the fact that the suppression of this phenomenon cannot be achieved by the isolated application of normative measures. On the contrary, the fight against femicide necessitates learning about gender-based violence, dispelling myths and prejudices that enable violence against women, and creating a robust network of support for victims and those close to them. Tokom poslednjih decenija fenomen femicida privlači pažnju kako naučne javnosti, tako i javnog mnjenja. Međutim, i pored toga što postoji volja da se deluje povodom problema u vezi sa nejednakošću žena, rodno zasnovano nasilje i femicid, kao njegov najekstremniji oblik, ne jenjavaju. Tako se sve češće polemiše o tome da li femicid treba inkriminisati kao posebno krivično delo. Otuda su izlaganja u radu posvećena opštim razmatranjima o femicidu i pitanjima u vezi sa njegovim užim i širim definisanjem, a sa ciljem da se ponudi odgovor na pitanje da li je nužno uvođenje posebne inrkiminacije u nacionalnim zakonodavstvima. Potom su putem upotrebe normativnog i logičkog metoda predstavljena rešenja koja se odnose na femicid u uporednom pravu. Autorke zaključuju da je inkriminisanje femicida krivičnim ili drugim zakonskim tekstovima doborodošlo i korisno, s tim što se suzbijanje ovog fenomena ne može postići izolovanom primenom normativnih mera. Naprotiv, naučna literatura ukazuje da borba protiv femicida iziskuje proučavanje rodno zasnovanog nasilja i iskorenjivanje predrasuda i steroptipa koji pogoduju različitim oblicma rodno zasnovanog nasilja, te ustanovljavanje kompleksnog sistema podrške za žrtve i njima bliska lica.
Keywords: femicid, rodno zasnovano nasilje, krivični zakon. femicide, gender-based violence, criminal law.
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