Journal of Criminology and Criminal Law is a scientific Journal aimed to promote theoretical and
practical experiences of criminology, criminal law, penology and similar scientific disciplines. It is the
only scientific journal of that kind in this region.
The Journal has been published continuously since 1962 and has the category of a top level journal of
national significance (M51).
Rad se bavi pitanjem da li je prilikom odmeravanja kazne neophodno i opravdano da generalno-preventivna očekivanja budu neposredan osnov za odmeravanje kazne. Generalna prevencija bi trebalo da se ostvaruje pre svega prilikom propisivanja kazne. Primena krivičnog prava i kazne treba da pokaže da je pretnja kaznom ozbiljna. Međutim, nije neophodno da se utvrdi koja mera kazne je potrebna u konkretnom slučaju da bi se uticalo i na druge da ne vrše krivična dela. To nije ni moguće egzaktno utvrditi, već je dovoljna jedna opšta ocena, odnosno utisak suda o tome da se sa odmerenom kaznom može ostvarivati i generalna prevencija, kako ona negativna (tradicionalna) tako i ona pozitivna koja se sastoji u izražavanju društvene osude za krivično delo, jačanju morala i učvršćivanju obaveze poštovanja zakona. Dovoljno je da sud kaznu odmerava, kako kaže zakon, “imajući u vidu” svrhu kažnjavanja. Posebno se u radu ukazuje na neprihvatljivost strožeg kažnjavanja zbog očekivane generalne prevencije. Pri tome se ukazuje na značaj stavova koje je u tom pogledu u svojim radovima zauzimao Jovan Ćirić kome je ovaj rad i posvećen.
The paper deals with the question of whether it is necessary and justified for general preventive expectations to be the immediate basis for sentencing. General prevention (deterrence) should be achieved primarily if not exclusively when prescribing the punishment. The application of criminal law and punishment should demonstrate that the threat of punishment is serious. However, it is not necessary to determine what measure of punishment is needed in a specific case in order to influence others not to commit criminal acts. It is not even possible to determine exactly, but a general assessment is sufficient, i.e. the court's impression that with a measured punishment, general prevention can be achieved, both negative (traditional) and positive, which consists in expressing social condemnation for a criminal offense, strengthening moral and strengthening the obligation to respect the law. It is sufficient for the court to determine the punishment, as the law says, "taking into account" the purpose of the punishment. In particular, the paper points out the unacceptability of stricter punishment due to the expected general prevention. At the same time, the importance of the positions taken in this respect in his works by Jovan Ćirić, to whom this work is dedicated, is pointed out.
Jedan pogled na rehabilitaciju – sa posebnim osvrtom na praksu Ustavnog suda
Milan Škulić,
pp: 21-58
U radu se objašnjava suština rehabilitacije u skladu sa pravilima zakona o rehabilitaciji, te uz posebnu analizu mehanizma delovanja Ustavnog suda u pogledu nekoliko odabranih slučajeva ustavnih žalbi koje su se ticale rehabilitacije prema Zakonu o rehabilitaciji. Svi analizirani slučajevi zasnovani su u osnovi i primarno na izdvojenim mišljenjima autora ovog teksta – kao sudije Ustavnog suda.
Objašnjavaju se sledeći aspekti odlučivanja Ustavnog suda u materiji rehabilitacije: 1) pitanje opravdanosti/neopravdanosti rehabilitacije nekadašnjih folksdojčera, odnosno pripadnika drugih nacionalnih manjina – obeštećenih u svojim matičnim državama, ili koji su bili u sastavu okupacionih snaga tokom Drugog svetskog rata, 2) problem rehabilitacije ljudi koji su tokom Drugog svetskog rata i okupacije Kraljevine Jugoslavije potencijalno vršili ratne zločine, a samo „formalno“ oglašeni ne za ratne zločince, već za „narodne neprijatelje“, 3) pitanje rehabilitacije ljudi koji su kao ideološki protivnici/oponenti pravnosnažno osuđeni u SFRJ, 4) problem rehabilitacije ljudi koje je već „sama istorija rehabilitovala“, kao i 5) problem rehabilitacije potencijalnih ratnih profitera u periodu okupacije Kraljevine Jugoslavije tokom Drugog svetskog rata.
In the article is explained the mechanism of action of the Constitutional Court with regard to several selected cases of constitutional appeals that concerned rehabilitation according to the Law on Rehabilitation. All the analysed cases are based on the isolated opinions of the author of the work – as a judge of the Constitutional Court.
The following aspects of the decision-making of the Constitutional Court in the matter of rehabilitation are explained in the article: 1) the question of justification/unjustification of the rehabilitation of former Volksdeutscheers and members of other national minorities - compensated in their home countries or who were part of the occupation forces during the Second World War, 2) the problem of rehabilitation of people who, during the Second World War and the occupation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, potentially committed war crimes, but were only "formally" declared as the „people enemies“ and not to be war criminals, 3) the issue of rehabilitating people who were legally condemned as ideological opponents in the SFRY, 4) the problem of rehabilitating people who were already "rehabilitated by history itself" and 5) the problem of rehabilitating potential war profiteers during the period of occupation Kingdom of Yugoslavia during the Second World War.
Krivičnopravni značaj afektivnih stanja
Nataša Delić,
pp: 59-95
U prvom delu rada ukratko je objašnjena psihološka priroda emocija i afektivnih stanja. Drugi deo rada se detaljno bavi emocijama u opštem i posebnom delu krivičnog prava. Prvo se govori o emocijama u kontekstu pobuda iz kojih je krivično delo učinjeno, a koje mogu imati odgovarajuće dejstvo na planu kažnjavanja. Posebna pažnja zatim je usmerena na „niske pobude“, osećanje mržnje i osećanje samilosti i njihov krivičnopravni značaj. Drugi, sadržinski najobimniji deo rada posvećen je afektivnom stanjima u krivičnom pravu. Teorijska analiza ove problematike obuhvata razmatranje afektivnih stanja kao mogućih uzroka privremene duševne poremećenosti, koja predstavlja biološki osnov neuračunljivosti/bitno smanjene uračunljivosti (član 23. KZ) i pravnih pojmova „jaka razdraženost“ i „prepast“ koji načelno korespondiraju sa afektom besa (osećanje ljutnje), odnosno afektom straha (osećanje straha). S tim u vezi obrađeni su institut prekoračenja granica nužne odbrane usled jake razdraženosti ili prepasti izazvane napadom (član 19, stav 3. KZ) i krivično delo ubistvo na mah (član 115. KZ), odnosno teška telesna povreda na mah (član 121, stav 5. KZ). Takođe se pominju i krivična dela kod kojih je afektivno stanje pasivnog subjekta posredno ili neposredno predviđeno kao osnovno ili dopunsko obeležje bića. U završnom, trećem delu rada izneti su zaključci koji su potkrepljeni odgovarajućim argumentima.
The first part of this paper briefly explains the psychological nature of emotions and affective conditions. The second part of the paper deals with emotions in the general and the special part of the criminal law. In the context of motives out of which a crime is committed, emotions can have significance in sentencing. Special attention is dedicated to „base motives“, feelings of hatred and compassion, and to their significance in criminal law. The u7second, lengthier part of the paper is concerned with affective conditions in criminal law. The theoretical analysis of this matter encompasses the view on affective conditions as possible causes of a temporary mental disorder, which is a biological basis of unaccountability/significantly diminished accountability (art. 23 CC) and the legal concepts of the „heat of passion“ and „fright“ that generally correspond to the feeling of anger or the feeling of fear. This is connected to the legal concept of exceeding the limits of lawful defense (art. 19 par. 3 CC), as well as to the criminal offences of murder in a heat of passion (art. 115 CC) and severe bodily injury in a heat of passion (art. 121 par. 5 CC). Other criminal offences also include the affective conditions of the passive subject as a basic or supplemental element. The final, third part of the paper contains conclusions backed up with relevant arguments.
Pretpostavka nevinosti okrivljenog kao element prava na pravično suđenje
Drago Radulović,
pp: 97-115
Iako pretpostavka nevinosti svoje korjene nalazi u racionalnom krivičnom postupku starog vijeka, ipak je treba posmatrati kao tekovinu savremenog sistema krivičnog postupka, odnosno francuske buržoaske revolucije i njenog prvog regulisanja u Deklaraciji o pravima čovjeka i građanina iz 1789. godine. Ona je oduvijek bila predmet intersovanja naučne i stručne javnosti, a posljednjih godina postaje jedna od najaktuelnijih tema na zakonodavnom teorijskom i praktičnom planu. Zbog svoje aktuelnosti pretpostavka nevinosti je predmet ovog rada. Pored uvodnih napomena gdje se izlaže o značaju ovog instituta za okrivljenog u radu su obrađena pitanja: određenje pretpostavke nevinosti u međunarodnim pravnim dokumentima i nacionalnom zakonodavstvu, zatim se govori o različitim shvatanjima o pravnoj prirodi i sadržini pretpostavke nevinosti.
Dalje, u nastavku se izlaže o pretpostavci nevinosti kao elementu prava na pravično suđenje koje se temelji na tri osnovna stuba - da se okrivljenom pristupa bez predrasuda i predubjeđenja, da na njemu nije teret dokazivanja i da u slučaju sumnje u pogledu postojanja činjenica sud uvijek odlučuje u korist okrivljenog. Na kraju se govori o poštovanju pretpostavke nevinosti od strane vanprocesnih subjekata, što je od posebne važnosti za masovne medije gdje novinar treba moralno da osuđuje krivično djelo koje postoji na osnovu određenog stepena sumnje, ali ne i čovjeka koji je tek osumnjičen, odnosno okrivljen.
Abstract: Although the presumption of innocence has its roots in the rational criminal procedure of the ancient times, it should still be seen as a result of the modern criminal procedure system, i.e. the French bourgeois revolution and its first regulation in the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. It has always been the subject of interest of scientists and experts, and in recent years it has become one of the most popular topics on the legislative, theoretical and practical level. Due to its topicality, the presumption of innocence is the subject of this paper. In addition to the introductory notes, explaining the importance of this principle for the defendant, the paper also covers the definition of the presumption of innocence in international legal documents and national legislation, followed by different understandings about the legal nature and content of the presumption of innocence. Furthermore, the paper then analyses the presumption of innocence as an element of the right to a fair trial, which is based on three main pillars – that the defendant is treated without prejudice and bias, that the burden of proof is not on him, and that in case of doubt about the existence of the facts, the court always decides in favour of the defendant. Finally, the paper discusses respect of the presumption of innocence by extrajudicial entities, which is of particular importance for the mass media, where a journalist should morally condemn a criminal offense that exists based on a certain degree of suspicion, but not the person who has just been suspected or accused.
Pripremanje krivičnih djela terorizma: Međunarodni standardi i krivično pravo Bosne i Hercegovine
Miodrag Simović, Vladimir Simović,
pp: 117-133
Na bazi više univerzalnih i regionalnih međunarodnih dokumenata, Bosna i Hercegovina, kao i niz savremenih država, predviđa krivično djelo terorizma u više različitih oblika ispoljavanja, ali sa identičnom sadržinom, karakteristikama, elementima bića, zakonskim opisom, pravnom prirodom, odnosno oblicima ili vidovima ispoljavanja. Radi se o izuzetno teškom, opasnom krivičnom djelu, sa međunarodnom sadržinom, odnosno međunarodnim temeljima propisivanja krivične odgovornosti i kažnjivosti. Zbog visokog stepena društvene opasnosti različitih oblika ispoljavanja terorizma, sva savremena krivična zakonodavstva pomjeraju granicu kažnjavanja na prethodni stadijum – na fazu pripremanja krivičnih djela čijim se preduzimanjem, fizičkim ili psihološkim djelatnostima, stvaraju uslovi ili pretpostavke za izvršenje nekog od krivičnih djela terorizma uopšte ili na brži, lakši, jednostavniji ili efikasniji način. U pozitivnom pravu u Bosni i Hercegovini su takođe predviđene kao samostalna krivična djela brojne pripremne radnje koje prethode izvršenju krivičnih djela terorizma uopšte ili pripremne radnje koje doprinose njegovim efikasnijem, uspješnijem ili kvalitetnijem izvršavanju. U radu se istražuje i problematizira sistem, pojam, sadržina, elementi bića i karakteristike, te oblici ispoljavanja pripremanja krivičnih djela terorizma u krivičnom zakonodavstvu Bosne i Hercegovine, ito u kontekstu međunarodnih standarda.
Abstract: On the basis of several universal and regional international documents, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as a number of modern states, foresees the criminal offense of terrorism in several different forms of manifestation, but with identical content, characteristics, elements, legal description, legal nature, that is, forms or types of manifestation.
It is an extremely serious, dangerous crime, with an international content, that is, with international basis for prescribing criminal responsibility and punishment. Due to the high degree of social danger of various forms of manifestations of terrorism, all modern criminal legislations move the limit of punishment to the previous stage - to the stage of preparation of criminal offenses, the undertaking of which, through physical or psychological activities, creates the conditions or prerequisites for the perpetration of one of the criminal offenses of terrorism in general, or to a faster, easier, simpler or more efficient way. In the positive law in Bosnia and Herzegovina, numerous preliminary actions that precede the perpetration of criminal offenses of terrorism in general or preliminary actions that contribute to their more efficient, successful or better execution are also provided as independent criminal offenses. The paper investigates and problematizes the system, concept, content, elements and characteristics, and forms of manifestation of the preparation of criminal offenses of terrorism in the criminal legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the context of international standards.
Kazna zatvora u Srbiji – trendovi i odlike zatvoreničke populacije
Natalija Lukić,
pp: 135-160
Predmet rada je analiza stope zatvaranja pod kojom se podrazumeva stopa izrečenih zatvorskih kazni na godišnjem nivou ali i stopa zatvorenika, odnosno stopa lica koja se nalaze na izdržavanju zatvorske kazne. Cilj rada je da najpre ukaže na situaciju u Srbiji u tom pogledu i da izvrši komparaciju sa drugim evropskim državama. Osim stope zatvaranja, cilj rada je i da analizira karakteristike zatvoreničke populacije, odnosno uzrast, pol, zatim visinu izrečenih zatvorskih kazni, stopu umiranja. Konačno, autorka se osvrće na moguća objašnjenja represivne kriminalne politike u Srbiji i posledica takvih orijentacija.
The rate of persons deprived of liberty in Serbia has been increasing since 2006 and during the last decade this rate has been approximately 150. The data of the Council of Europe for the year 2022 show that in a large number of countries there a decrease in the rate of prisoners (all persons deprived of liberty) has been determined, and Serbia is still in the group of countries with a high rate of prisoners. However, the capacities of penal institutions in Serbia allow such figures, and according to the data, the total population of persons deprived of liberty is about 1,000 people smaller than the maximum capacity allows. There is an average of 3.8 people in cells, while the European average is 2.1, and in half of the countries that number is 1.4. Similarly, the sentencing policy of the courts is uniform and the rate of those sentenced to prison generally follows the rate of all those convicted. In addition to a suspended sentence, the courts usually opt for a prison sentence. Taken together, imprisonment (including the house arrest that is enforced in the premises where the convicted person lives) amounts to about 1/3 of all imposed sanctions. The question arises why Serbia did not follow the trend of most European countries in which the population of persons deprived of their liberty has decreased in the last years? One of the explanations is the adoption of repressive criminal law solutions that in many situations limited the discretionary powers of judges in respect to penal sanctions. While on the one hand it is not in dispute that for serious crimes the only option will be a prison sentence, in the case of some incriminations it was better to leave the choice to the judges. However, it seems that the trend of transferring decision-making from the judiciary to the legislature is not typical only for Serbia (see for example: von Hirsch, 2017). At the same time, the public most often expresses repressive attitudes, which should be respected, but legal solutions should not be guided only by the interest of getting political support of voters but also by scientific and professional arguments. Scientific knowledge points to all the problems that, on the one hand, appear in prisons and how and in what way these problems prevent the successful execution of prison penalty and the implementation of treatment. In such situations, it would be more appropriate to opt for alternatives for less serious crimes, and in this way, prisoners could also receive greater commitment of treatment services as well as generally better conditions while serving their prison sentence. Although, according to statistical data, prisons are not overcrowded, it seems that those authors who claim that the frequency and length of prison sentences are primarily determined by existing capacities are right. If they are exceeded, one option is the construction of new institutions, which is usually associated with financial problems, and another option is amnesty and pardon. At the end, it should be borne in mind that long-term prison sentences are the least common, and that the largest number of prisoners will be released after a few years. It is clear that the public should also be interested in ensuring that at least some of them do not commit criminal acts again, and criminological research confirms that insisting on intimidation and retribution will not reduce recidivism rate.
Semantički izazovi jezika krivičnog prava
Katarina Radojković Ilić,
pp: 161-178
Jezik prava, kao i drugi jezici struke, pored morfosintaksičkih i pragmatskih, ispoljava različite leksičke osobenosti. U radu se analiziraju semantički odnosi koji postoje u francuskom jeziku prava. Kao korpus poslužili su zakonski tekstovi iz oblasti francuskog krivičnog prava, u prvom redu Krivični zakonik i Zakonik o krivičnom postupku. Jedan od ciljeva rada bio je da se utvrdi da li su i u kojoj meri sinonimija, polisemija i homonimija rasprostranjeni fenomeni u jeziku prava, imajući u vidu da kao svaki sociolekt, jezik prava teži jednoznačju i preciznosti termina. Analiza je pokazala da se svi semantički odnosi svojstveni opštem jeziku ispoljavaju i u jeziku prava. Dok je homonimija manje česta pojava, sinonimija je veoma izražena a pored eksterne polisemije, koja se ispoljava na način da jedna reč može imati različito značenje u opštem jeziku a drugo u jeziku prava, zastupljena je i unutrašnja polisemija, te u okviru različitih pravnih podžanrova mogu postojati različita značenja, što predstavlja izazov kako za stvaranje, tumačenje i primenu prava, tako i za komparativnu analizu i prevođenje pravnih tekstova.
The language of law, as well as other professional languages, has specific characteristics at morphosyntactic, pragmatic, and lexical level. The paper analyzes the semantic relations that exist in the French language of law. Legal texts from the field of French criminal law, primarily the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure, served as the corpus for our research. One of the goals was to determine whether synonymy, polysemy and homonymy are widespread phenomena in the language of law, bearing in mind that, like any sociolect, the language of law strives for univocity and precision of terms. The analysis showed that all semantic relations that exist in general language are present in the language of law as well. While homonymy is a less common, synonymy is very pronounced, and besides external polysemy, when a word can have one meaning in general language and another in the language of law, there is also internal polysemy, which manifests in a way that a word can have different meanings in different legal subgenres which represents a particular challenge both for the creation, interpretation and application of law as well as for the comparative analysis and translation of legal texts.