Revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo je naučni časopis koji ima za cilj da promoviše
teorijska i praktična iskustva iz kriminologije, krivičnog prava, penologije i srodnih
naučnih disciplina i jedini je časopis te vrste na ovim prostorima.
Časopis u kontinuitetu izlazi od 1962. godine i kategorisan je kao vrhunski časopis
nacionalnog značaja (M51).
Body modification encompasses procedures to achieve permanent or temporary alterations of the human body. Tattooing and body piercing have become the most prevalent forms of body modification. It is reported that getting tattoos while in detention is reported to be a common practice. Only a few studies have examined the prevalence of body modification practices in prisoners. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of body modifications (tattoos and body piercing) and self-injuries among child sex offenders in a Greek prison, as well as to identify factors associated with having a tattoo or acquiring one while in prison. One secondary aim was to examine this population's main motives for body modifications and shed new light on their functions. The authors present the results of their original quantitative study (with a sample of 181 imprisoned child sex offenders) and discuss them in comparison to those of other studies.
Bringing hazardous materials into Serbia and illegal processing, disposal, and storage of hazardous materials – a criminal offence under article 266 of the Criminal code
Olga Tešović, Željka Nikolić, Nebojša Radović,
pp: 29-52
This paper examines the legal and practical aspects of Article 266 of the Serbian Criminal Code, which criminalizes the import, as well as illegal processing, disposal, and storage of hazardous materials in Serbia. The study explores the conceptual underpinnings of the law, emphasizing its role in safeguarding public health and environmental safety. It scrutinizes the application of Article 266, highlighting notable cases and enforcement strategies employed by Serbian judicial authorities, as well as a study cases related to problems of hazardous waste. The paper also delves into the inherent challenges in the legislation`s implementation, including the identification and classification of dangerous substances, the evolving nature of hazardous materials, and jurisdictional issues. Moreover, the study critically analyzes the impact of international conventions and European Union standards on Serbian law, exploring how global trends influence domestic legal frameworks. The paper concludes by offering recommendations for enhancing the efficacy of Article 266, suggesting legislative reforms, raising public awareness, and improving inter-agency collaboration to effectively combat the illegal handling of hazardous materials in Serbia.
U radu se analiziraju pravni i praktični aspekti člana 266. Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srbije, koji inkriminiše unošenje, kao i nedozvoljeno prerađivanje, odlaganje i skladištenje opasnih materija u Srbiji. Istražuju se konceptualne osnove ovog propisa, ističući njegovu ulogu u zaštiti javnog zdravlja i sigurnosti životne sredine. Detaljno se razmatra primena člana 266. KZ, sa akcentom na značajne slučajeve i strategije primene koje koristi srpsko pravosuđe, kao i na studije slučaja koje se odnose na probleme opasnog otpada. Rad takođe produbljuje razmatranje inherentnih izazova u implementaciji zakonodavstva, uključujući identifikaciju i klasifikaciju opasnih materija, njihovu razvojnu prirodu i pitanja nadležnosti. Štaviše, kritički se analizira uticaj međunarodnih konvencija i standarda Evropske unije na srpsko zakonodavstvo, istražujući kako globalni trendovi utiču na domaće pravne okvire. Rad se zaključuje sa preporukama za unapređenje efikasnosti člana 266. KZ, sugerisanjem zakonodavnih reformi, podizanja svesti javnosti i unapređenja multisektorske saradnje radi efikasnog suzbijanja ilegalnog upravljanja opasnim materijama u Srbiji.
The challenges of defining the term “Intelligence-led Policing Model“ in the scientific literature
Ilija Racić, Siniša Dostić,
pp: 53-62
The implementation of the intelligence-led policing model in police work has been a topic of interest to the scientific and professional public, particularly in the developed countries at the beginning of the 21st century. Numerous authors, the representatives of the scientific and professional public, security agencies and international organisations have been dealing with this field emphasizing its proactive role. Terminologically, different words are used for the same concept depending on the country that implemented the model. Most countries such as: the United States of America, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Australia and Canada use the term “Intelligence-Led Policing”, compared to Great Britain which uses the “National Intelligence Model” to denote the same term. In the international scientific literature, there are many definitions of the intelligence-led policing model, indicating that it refers to a managerial philosophy whose goal is decision-making about organising police tasks based on relevant, complete, timely and usable information about criminality. Among the few attempts to define the intelligence-led policing model in the national scientific literature, there are definitions related to police intelligence work as a police (investigative) activity and a new approach (philosophy) in police work, with the aim of supporting the decision-making process and action in combating criminality at all levels or as a system for managing criminal-intelligence and planned tasks in order to define priorities, strategic and operational goals in the field of preventing and combating criminality and other security-threatening events. The existence of different definitions is due to the lack of uniform approach in terms of defining terminology, goals and necessary organisational elements for its implementation by law enforcement agencies, which is considered somewhat logical, considering that it is a fairly new concept of proactive police work. Defining the term, i.e., a clear terminological specification of the intelligence-led policing model contributes to a clear understanding of its essence, which can lead to the improvement, strengthening and further development of police work by emphasizing its preventive part. In addition, its terminological distinction contributes to a more efficient implementation of Security Management in the field of public (internal) security within the functions of (strategic) planning and coordination. In this regard, the aim of this paper is to point out to the main challenges of defining the term of this model in the international and national scientific literature.
Inmates education as a function of developing socio-emotional competences
Tadić, Violeta,
pp: 63-88
Imprisonment is a means of depriving a person of his freedom due to behavior that has been assessed as socially harmful and dangerous. The prison sentence should re-educate the inmate so that he no longer behaves in a way that endangers society. However, the prison environment itself has a negative impact on inmates, and education is proposed as a way of influencing inmates to increase the likelihood of positive behavior. Of the various forms of education, the one focused on the development of socio-emotional competencies is particularly effective. Taking into account the theoretical models and research results of the education of inmates, especially socio-emotional education in this work, we will provide a framework for the implementation of socio-emotional education programs in prison.
Zatvorska kazna odnosi se na lišavanje slobode pojedinca zbog ponašanja koje je procenjeno kao društveno štetno i opasno. Zatvorska kazna ima za svrhu promenu ponašanja zatvorenika kako se u budućnosti ne bi ponašao na način koji ugrožava društvo. Međutim, sama zatvorska sredina negativno utiče na zatvorenike, a obrazovanje se predlaže kao način uticaja kojim bi se povećala verovatnoća pozitivnog ponašanja. Od različitih oblika obrazovanja, posebno je efikasno ono koje je usmereno na razvoj socio-emocionalnih kompetencija. Razmatranjem teorijskih modela i rezultata istraživanja obrazovanja zatovrenika, a posebno socio-emocionalnog obrazovanja u ovom radu, pružićemo okvir za implementaciju programa socio-emocionalnog obrazovanja u zatvorskim ustanovama.
Criminal offenses against honor and reputation in the light of the amendment of the Criminal code of the Republic of Srpska
Dragana Vasiljević,
pp: 89-106
The issue of (de)criminalization of behavior that injures, that is, endangers honor and reputation is one of the most important in modern criminal law. The demand for decriminalization arises from the norms of international law and it rests on the postulate of the right to freedom of thought and expression. However, it is also inviolable the right of a person to protect his honor and reputation, which is the basis of criminalization. Because of that it is not easy to find a balance in the exercise of these rights. They are opposed to each other from which arises danger that excessive protection of one of them undermines the other. It is a common understanding that modern criminal legislation is moving in the direction of decriminalization of such behaviors. Our legislator opted for the opposite solution. This is not a solution that has not been represented in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Srpska, because criminal offenses against honor and reputation existed until 2002 when they are decriminalized. In the article is apostrophized protection of honor and reputation in the light of the latest amendment to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Srpska.
Pitanje (de)kriminalizacije ponašanja kojima se povređuju, odnosno ugrožavaju čast i ugled jedno je od značajnijih u savremenom krivičnom pravu. Zahtjev za dekriminalizacijom proizilazi iz normi međunarodnog prava, a počiva na postulatu prava na slobodu misli i izražavanja. Međutim, nepovredivo je i pravo čovjeka na zaštitu časti i ugleda, a koje predstavlja osnov kriminalizacije. Zbog toga i nije jednostavno pronaći balans u ostvarenju ovih prava. Ona su suprotstavljena iz čegaproizilazi opasnost da pretjerano pružanje zaštite jednom od njih narušava ono drugo. Uobičajeno je shvatanje da se savremena krivična zakonodavstva kreću u pravcu dekriminalizacije ovakvih ponašanja. Naš zakonodavac se opredijelio za suprotno rješenje. Pri tome se ne radi o rješenju koje do sada nije bilo zastupljeno u krivičnom zakonodavstvu Republike Srpske, jer su krivična djela protiv časti i ugleda postojala do 2002. godine i njihove dekriminalizacije. U članku se apostrofira zaštita časti i ugleda u svjetlu posljednje novele Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srpske.
New technologies and enforced disappearances: opportunities and challenges for the protection of human rights
Stefanovska Vesna,
pp: 107-127
New technologies and enforced disappearances have been part of thematic study included in the annual report of the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID) published in August 2023. Enforced disappearances present flagrant human rights violation where the families of disappeared person are not familiar with the fate and whereabouts of their disappeared relatives. The use of new technologies in cases of enforced disappearances may enhance the human rights protection, facilitate the search for disappeared persons and obtain evidence. However, new technologies can be used to prevent further investigations and obtain evidence especially in cases where torture is committed by state actors and cases of enforced disappearances in transnational context. This paper will analyze the positive and negative effects from the use of new technologies in enforced disappearances and will emphasize the importance to conduct an effective investigation and to acknowledge the right to truth in these cases.
Kolaković-Bojović, M. & Đukanović, A. (2023) Hate Crimes in the Republic of Serbia.
Marković, Maša,
pp: 129-133
Law and Artificial Intelligence: Issues of Ethics, Human Rights and Social Harm. Translated from English by H. Sijerčić-Čolić.
Vildana Pleh,
pp: 135-138