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Author/s: prof. Aleksandra Ilić, PhD,

Pages: 93-115
UDK: 343.848 343.24(497.11)

Abstract: In this work the author deals with contemporary problems in achieving the rehabilitation aim as a dominant purpose of prison sentence execution in majority of countries today. Rehabilitation is one of the major principle in treating of persons who are convicted to prison sentence and consists of numerous rules set in some international documents as well as in national legislations. In work is given an overview of the historical development of the rehabilitation model both in global and domestic level as well as modern approaches in realization of rehabilitation expectations. The author further analysis some retributive tendentions in modern legislation. One of the problem is the trend of imposing a life sentence which is particularly problematic in case of absence the possibility of parole for certain convicts. That form of life sentence is prescribed in Criminal Code of Republic Serbia, so the author considers the sustaintability of that provision, especially in the context of European Court of Human Rights’s decisions.

Keywords: rehabilitation, prisons, punishment, retribution, life sentence

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