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Author/s: prof. Višnja Ranđelović, prof. Snežana Soković, PhD, prof. Božidar Banović, PhD

Pages: 67-91
UDK: 341.48/.49

Abstract: Insufficient development of International Criminal Law, as well as its development under the influence of different legal systems, brought forth the lack of clear definitions of certain criminal law concepts and institutes. When considering the goals of International Criminal Law in theory they are often confused with the goals of International Criminal Justice, but also with the purpose of punishment in International Criminal Law. In that sense, the aim of the paper is, first of all, to analyse theoretical understandings of the goals of International Criminal Law and Justice, as well as their definition in the acts within the field of International Criminal Law, in order to provide for the possible manner of defining and delimiting these terms. Further, the aim of the paper is to distinguish from these terms the purpose of punishment in International Criminal Law.

Keywords: International Criminal Law, International Criminal Justice, the objectives, punishment, the purpose of punishment in International Criminal Law

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