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Author/s: prof. Vadzim Samaryn, PhD,

Pages: 43-58
UDK: 341.44 343.1(476)

Abstract: The subject of the article is the extradition as an element of the international legal paradigm of the modern criminal procedure. In this context, the goal of this research is to identify the fundamental human rights affected by the criminal proceedings within the extradition procedure based on cases related to the Republic of Belarus as well as legal provisions of this state. In this regard, the article explores the concept of the international legal paradigm of the modern criminal procedure. The author analyses the principles, the implementation of which is required to ensure human rights in the framework of the Belarusian criminal procedure in the course of extradition. The article reveals certain fundamental human rights that are affected during the extradition procedure: the personal inviolability, the right to defence and ne bis in idem.

Keywords: internationalisation of criminal procedural law; international legal paradigm; extradition; international legal assistance in criminal matters

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