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Author/s: Nina Kaiser, PhD,

Pages: 7-20
UDK: 343.9:343.238(436)

Abstract: The present paper gives insight to an innovative approach in Forensic Criminology, that applies criminological knowledge for risk and needs assessments aiming at preventing recidivism. Although risk assessments are mainly conducted by psychologists and psychiatrists that predominantly work with actuarial risk assessments, hence with standardized, statistical methods, this approach is idiographic and refrains from relying on the comparison with the “average” but focuses on the individual: the Method of Ideal-Typical-Comparative-Case-By-Case Analysis (in short: MIVEA). Thus, the issue under scrutiny is the application of specific criminological knowledge for risk assessments. As a result, the paper will provide knowledge about the role of Forensic Criminology in the field of risk assessments and will illustrate the importance of the application of genuine idiographic risk assessments methods. It largely draws on research conducted by the founders of the method in question and their successors (especially Bock (2019) Angewandte Kriminologie. 5th edn. München: Vahlen)

Keywords: Forensic Criminology, Recidivism, Prevention, Risk and Needs Assessments.

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