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Author/s: Jelena Želeskov Đorić, PhD, Ana Batrićević, PhD, Boban Petrović, MSc

Pages: 185-196
UDK: 343.24(497.11) 364-781.9:343.22(497.11)

Abstract: As a special alternative sanction, community service was introduced to the legal system of the Republic of Serbia in 2006, when current Criminal Code came into force. Two years later, a more detailed Regulation on the Enforcement of Community Service was adopted. Since then, relevant judiciary bodies and probation officers have been struggling to overcome numerous obstacles for its adequate and efficient practical implementation such as: initial suspicions and prejudice of the community, lack of detailed guidelines and supervision mechanism, limited financial resources and insufficient number of professional staff members. This paper represents an attempt to depict the evolution of community service in Serbia, to assess its positive and negative aspects, as well as to draw some conclusions and recommendations in order to improve its future application. In the introductory part, current normative framework dedicated to imposing and enforcement of community service in Serbia is presented. After that, statistical data showing the number of imposed community service sentences, types of criminal offences and actual modalities of community service enforcement are analyzed. Some parameters and factors showing actual practical aspects of community service application from the standpoint of probation officers as well as from the perspective of the offenders are also discussed, on the basis of two interviews with convicted persons serving community service in Belgrade as examples. Due to the fact that the majority of offenders who are serving community service are located in Belgrade, the analysis is primarily focused on this area. Finally, on the basis of these theoretical, statistical and practical quantitative and qualitative analyses, general conslusions on current state and tendencies regarding community service in Serbia are drawn and suggestions for the course of its future development are proposed.

Keywords: community service, criminal sanction, alternative sanction, offenders, probation officers

– Alternative Sanctions Bulletin, No. 3/2012, Ministry of Justice and Public Administration of the Republic of Serbia, Department for Treatment and Alternative Sanctions – Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 85/2005, 88/2005, 107/2005, 72/2009, 111/2009 121/2012, 104/2013 and 108/2014. – Joka, D. (Ed.) (2012)., Report on the work of Administration for the execution of criminal sanctions for 2011, Belgrade. Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia – Administration for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions. – Law on the Enforcement of Noncustodial Sanctions and Measures, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 55/2014. – Law on the Execution of Criminal Sanctions, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 85/2005, 72/2009 and 31/2011. – Law on the Execution of Criminal Sanctions, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 55/2014. – Obradović, M. (Ed.) (2011), Report on the work of Administration for the execution of criminal sanctions for 2010, Belgrade. Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia – Administration for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions. – Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the Council of Europe Probation Rules (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 20 January 2010 at the 1075th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies), https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?id=1575813, 15.04.2014. – Regulation on the Enforcement of Community Service, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 20/2008 and 24/2014. – Statistical Bulletin No 576, Adult Perpetrators of Criminal Offences in the Republic of Serbia, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, 2012. – Stevović, M. (Ed.) (2013), Report on the work of Administration for the execution of criminal sanctions for 2012, Belgrade. Ministry of Justice and Public Administration of the Republic of Serbia – Administration for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions.