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Author/s: István Kovács,

Pages: 115-138
UDK: 343.85:343.431(439)

Abstract: According to estimates, thousands of women and children in Hungary regularly become victims of sexual exploitation and prostitution year by year.Today, in Hungary, the practice of prostitution and its regulation are contrary to international law. This study - that provides a comprehensive overview of this problem based on material already published, which has been collected, analyzed and discussed in my dissertation - shows that there are solutions. One of my objectives aiming at resolving the above problem is to create a new regulatory model and a related institutionalized network system that will be suitable to attempt to eliminate the problems stemming from the current situation. Mapping up – with the combined use of qualitative and quantitative techniques, for example interviewing and making McNemar tests -, analysing – with SWOT - and assessing the components of the common system of relations between prostitution and the culture of police measures helped me to make the new model and regulation.

Keywords: prostitution, law enforcement, new model, police, constitutional and human right

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