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Author/s: Branko Leštanin,

Pages: 73-87
UDK: 343.359(497.11)(091)

Abstract: The author starts with the thesis that smuggling is part of the shadow economy phenomenon. The emergence and development of smuggling is linked with the emergence of borders between states, which created the conditions for establishing an administrative control over the movement of goods. Harmonization of the legal framework leads to frequent changes in the positive legislation of the Republic of Serbia, which results in huge changes in the field of crime suppression (especially economic and financial). The rich legal tradition and legal heritage must not be overlooked in the process of legal harmonization. The aim of the research is to answer the questions when smuggling emerged as a social but first and foremost criminal law phenomenon, its development in criminal law in the Serbian state throughout history and whether certain lessons can be drawn from our rich legal tradition. The first part of the article analyzes the literature and sources of law in Serbia in the middle Ages, where Dušan’s Code is the main source of criminal law and law. The second part explores criminal sources in Serbia in the 19th century after liberation from the occupation of the Turkish Empire. The third part examines the criminal-legal framework in Serbia of the 20th century, in which the communist social political system prevailed. The last part of the article analyzes the positive legislation of Serbia.

Keywords: Smuggling, Serbia, Customs legislation, Criminal legislation

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