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Author/s: Yongtao Li, Alan Beckley

Pages: 27-42
UDK: 343.341(510)

Abstract: Most developed countries in the world, of various political or religious persuasion, are suffering from violent, militaristic attacks against the state and innocent citizens, especially since the conflagration in Iraq and Syria in 2014. To maintain the sanctity and security of their State and progress towards further beneficial socio-economic development, States are increasingly required to devote financial, human and military resources into counterterrorism measures. This paper examines the legislative changes to enhance contingencies for counterterrorism introduced by the People’s Republic of China in 2016, and responds to western world criticisms of the provisions of the measures. The new law is analyzed in detailed and then set against similar legislation in western countries to compare the scope and ethos of relevant statutes and regimes. The actual provisions of the legislation appear to be in a “like-for-like” format although differences in political and societal context should be factored in to establish the eventual outcomes of the legislative objectives.

Keywords: China, terrorism, counterterrorism law, people’s war

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