The challenges of defining the term “Intelligence-led Policing Model“ in the scientific literature
Autor/i: Ilija Racić, Siniša Dostić,
Stranice: 53-62
UDK: 355.40
Apstrakt: The implementation of the intelligence-led policing model in police work has been a topic of interest to the scientific and professional public, particularly in the developed countries at the beginning of the 21st century. Numerous authors, the representatives of the scientific and professional public, security agencies and international organisations have been dealing with this field emphasizing its proactive role. Terminologically, different words are used for the same concept depending on the country that implemented the model. Most countries such as: the United States of America, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Australia and Canada use the term “Intelligence-Led Policing”, compared to Great Britain which uses the “National Intelligence Model” to denote the same term. In the international scientific literature, there are many definitions of the intelligence-led policing model, indicating that it refers to a managerial philosophy whose goal is decision-making about organising police tasks based on relevant, complete, timely and usable information about criminality. Among the few attempts to define the intelligence-led policing model in the national scientific literature, there are definitions related to police intelligence work as a police (investigative) activity and a new approach (philosophy) in police work, with the aim of supporting the decision-making process and action in combating criminality at all levels or as a system for managing criminal-intelligence and planned tasks in order to define priorities, strategic and operational goals in the field of preventing and combating criminality and other security-threatening events. The existence of different definitions is due to the lack of uniform approach in terms of defining terminology, goals and necessary organisational elements for its implementation by law enforcement agencies, which is considered somewhat logical, considering that it is a fairly new concept of proactive police work. Defining the term, i.e., a clear terminological specification of the intelligence-led policing model contributes to a clear understanding of its essence, which can lead to the improvement, strengthening and further development of police work by emphasizing its preventive part. In addition, its terminological distinction contributes to a more efficient implementation of Security Management in the field of public (internal) security within the functions of (strategic) planning and coordination. In this regard, the aim of this paper is to point out to the main challenges of defining the term of this model in the international and national scientific literature.
Ključne reči: intelligence-led policing model, defining the term, international scientific literature, national scientific literature, Strategic Assessment of Public Security, Security Management
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