Inmates education as a function of developing socio-emotional competences

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Autor/i: Tadić, Violeta,

Stranice: 63-88
UDK: 374.7:343.261-052 364.63:343.261-052

Apstrakt: Imprisonment is a means of depriving a person of his freedom due to behavior that has been assessed as socially harmful and dangerous. The prison sentence should re-educate the inmate so that he no longer behaves in a way that endangers society. However, the prison environment itself has a negative impact on inmates, and education is proposed as a way of influencing inmates to increase the likelihood of positive behavior. Of the various forms of education, the one focused on the development of socio-emotional competencies is particularly effective. Taking into account the theoretical models and research results of the education of inmates, especially socio-emotional education in this work, we will provide a framework for the implementation of socio-emotional education programs in prison. Zatvorska kazna odnosi se na lišavanje slobode pojedinca zbog ponašanja koje je procenjeno kao društveno štetno i opasno. Zatvorska kazna ima za svrhu promenu ponašanja zatvorenika kako se u budućnosti ne bi ponašao na način koji ugrožava društvo. Međutim, sama zatvorska sredina negativno utiče na zatvorenike, a obrazovanje se predlaže kao način uticaja kojim bi se povećala verovatnoća pozitivnog ponašanja. Od različitih oblika obrazovanja, posebno je efikasno ono koje je usmereno na razvoj socio-emocionalnih kompetencija. Razmatranjem teorijskih modela i rezultata istraživanja obrazovanja zatovrenika, a posebno socio-emocionalnog obrazovanja u ovom radu, pružićemo okvir za implementaciju programa socio-emocionalnog obrazovanja u zatvorskim ustanovama.

Ključne reči: Key words: education, inmates, prison, socio-emocional competences. Ključne reči: obrazovanje, zatvorenici, zatvor, socio-emocionalne kompetencije.

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