Autor/i: Ana Batrićević, Ivana Stevanović
Stranice: 47-63
UDK: 342.72-053.2/.6(497.11)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47152/rkkp.61.3.3
Apstrakt: Several aspects of the rights of the child depend on environment quality and conservation and the breach of environmental provisions may result in the violation of the rights of the child, either through criminal offences against environment, or through long-term application of environmental policies that are harmful for of the rights of the child or do not take into consideration the needs and best interest of the child. The authors analyse normative framework of the Republic of Serbia, including ratified international conventions as well as national legislative and strategic documents, pertinent to both children’s rights and environmental protection. The authors also analyse the data obtained from relevant reports describing current state of both - environmental and children’s rights protection in Serbia. The authors conclude that the rights of the child are not given enough attention in documents regulating environmental protection and sustainable development in the Republic of Serbia, particularly when it comes to children from marginalized groups living in substandard settlements.
Ključne reči: child's rights, environmental protection, international standards, human rights, ecology
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