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Autor/i: Kovačević, Milica, Srnić Nerac Jelena,

Stranice: 65-85
UDK: 343.85:343.54(487.11)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47152/rkkp.61.3.4

Apstrakt: In recent years the attention of the wide audience and academics has been directed toward sexual offending in general and child sexual abuse. On the one hand, there is a pressing need to protect the youngest and enable the realization of the best interests of the child, and on the other, there is also a need to adequately address the moral panic caused by these brutal crimes against minors. With the aforementioned challenges, it is easy to forget that sex offenders also enjoy human rights that must not be violated, regardless of the importance of the goal that is being pursued. Bearing in mind the above, the article is devoted to the analysis of the Serbian substantive legal framework that defines the application of special measures and the registration of sex offenders, and to the comparison of this framework with the laws in the United Kingdom and France. The aim of the paper is to point out the possibilities for improving current Serbian legislation in order to achieve the most comprehensive protection of children while respecting relevant European standards and maintaining the rule of law.

Ključne reči: sex offenders, sex offender register, supervision, human rights.

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