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Autor/i: Dragan Obradović, PhD, prof. Biljana Tešić, PhD

Stranice: 21-42
UDK: 351.81(497.11) 351.74:656.1(497.11)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47152/rkkp.60.3.2

Apstrakt: he judicial system in Serbia in the 21st century is increasingly following the achievements in the field of science and technology. In various areas of social life, a wide range of technologies is applied to support the judicial system and the work of the police, including integrated information systems for the management of court cases as well as video surveillance systems in traffic. The development of technologies, their adoption and application directly affects the work of the police, as well as the efficiency and quality of functioning of all parts of the judicial system. The subject of this paper is the analysis of the application of modern information and communication technologies in the field of road traffic safety with the aim of improving the functioning of that system or its individual parts. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of the application of modern technologies in the field of supervision of traffic participants as well as their influence on proving traffic violations in the work of misdemeanor courts through the example of the Misdemeanor Court in Valjevo. The paper also deals with the positive financial effects of the collection of fines for convictions on the example of the city of Valjevo.

Ključne reči: information and communication technologies, traffic, violations, fines

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