Autor/i: Nhu Нan Pham,, prof. Nikolay Nikolayevich Demidov, PhD
Stranice: 141-159
UDK: 343.53:004.738.5(597)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47152/rkkp.59.3.7
Apstrakt: Today's modern global society is facing an unexpected situation where cybercrimes are becoming more and more complicated, severely violating social order and security. The Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) Vietnam 2015 has made important unpredictable amendments and supplements to evidence and evidence institutions, which are important institutions on which procedural bodies base to perform their duties and exercise their powers. Most prominently, the regulation of evidence sources which is electronic data, an entirely new source of evidence, is to respond promptly to crimes using high technology. Within the scope of this article, the author focuses on the new points of the CrPC Vietnam 2015 on the source of evidence that is electronic data in high technology crimes. Further the principles of the evidence act has been explained with amendments in regard to electronic evidence. Finally the safeguards and procedure which needs to be adopted by the Vietnamese judiciary in handling electronic evidences.
Ključne reči: electronic evidence, proof process, cybercrime, data message, electronic document value evidentiary
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