Autor/i: Anđela Đukanović, PhD,
Stranice: 23-43
UDK: 349:602.72(497.11)
Apstrakt: Harms arising from reproductive cloning or inheritable genetic modifications, for the time being, seem significant. This is supported by the simple fact that the first cloned monkeys were short-lived or by the fact that inheritable genetic modifications still carry a high chance of getting “off-target” results, which could result in serious health problems. Inheritable genetic modifications, in particular, have a high therapeutic potential, and it is suggested that this technology’s comprehension is shifting from an absolute ban, to concerns over safety issues. International law can prove to be facilitative when it comes to deciding which new technology should be prohibited, restricted or allowed, having in mind possible consequences and the so-called phenomenon of reproductive tourism. Legally binding regulation of both technologies has proven challenging at the universal level. However, there has been some progress in Europe on that matter. Harms arising from inheritable genetic modifications seem even higher than in the case of reproductive cloning, since they have the potential to affect the whole of humanity, including future generations. The Criminal Code of Serbia and the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia prohibit reproductive cloning. However, the prohibition of inheritable genetic modifications on humans is not regulated explicitly in the Criminal Code of Serbia, making this technology seem more acceptable or less harmful.
Ključne reči: inheritable genetic modifications, reproductive cloning, gene editing, human rights, criminal law.
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