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Autor/i: Marc Cools,

Stranice: 9-21
UDK: 343.359.3669.21/23

Apstrakt: The paper represents an attempt to explain the need for more modern criminological approaches to the problem of organized, transnational crime, from the point of view of (liberal) criticism of the historical situation in which the nation-state finds itself. The author follows the development of a new form of crime - the theft of precious metals from mines in the South African Republic to the port Antwerp, advocating for a nodal-security orientation, as a new strategy in the fight against the illegal trade in precious metals and what accompanies this phenomenon. In the European context, nodal security means cooperation between the national police, inspections, intelligence and security services, in communications with the judicial system and the defense system, and all this in connection with the private security sector.

Ključne reči: criminology, private security, nation state, precious metals, nodal-security.

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