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Autor/i: Ljupcho Shosholovski, Zoran Jovanovski

Stranice: 139-149
UDK: 343.85

Apstrakt: For running a successful crime prevention program it is especially important to have a multidisciplinary approach and involvement of different stakeholders of society in crime prevention. Adopting the strategy, as well as (short and long term) programs of crime prevention at the local level is the first step that the local government needs to undertake. These documents should be in line with the national strategy for crime prevention and international norms. They represent the framework for defining the objectives that the local government wants to achieve, indicators of crime and deviant behaviour at the local level, the sectors that will be involved in prevention and their role. Good management and leadership in coordinating body (local government council for crime prevention) composed of representatives of various entities, assessment and evaluation of the measures and activities undertaken for a certain period, and rewarding based on the results achieved, represent activities which should be seen as a cycle. the crime prevention council at the local level all relevant stakeholders that can contribute to more effective crime prevention should take part, including police, health care, educational institutions, judiciary, NGOs, religious groups, business sector, etc. Through cross sectoral approach, the council should reduce the overlapping of competencies in specific activities and programs that would consequentially direct human and material resources to crime prevention, but also unify the individual actions of „heterogeneous” subjects in homogeneous team that would be capable to cope with challenges.

Ključne reči: local government, multidisciplinary approach, crime prevention

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