Autor/i: Miklós Tihanyi,
Stranice: 89-99
UDK: 374.7:343.261-052(439)
Apstrakt: The purpose of this paper is to introduce the effects and results of religious education in the correctional facilities in Hungary. The operation of the Prison Chaplaincy as well as the changes in the inmates’ value systems are the two key topics this research focuses on. The author carried out on-site observations and conducted interviews with prison chaplains in four facilities. Additionally, he compiled data by using questionnaires – Shalom Schwartz’s value scale – to assess nearly 100 inmates participating in religious education activities and other nearly 100 non-participating inmates. In addition to these two groups, the author used the same questionnaire to assess a nearly 100-member civilian congregation as a control group. It can be concluded that religious education may have an impact on their value systems and it is also capable of shifting them from the world of crime towards that of religion. Values emphasizing individual responsibility and community interest can become underlined and more accentuated. These effects show no correlation with the crimes committed. At the same time, the intensity of religious education is of relevant and decisive nature.
Ključne reči: faith based prison, value system, religion, religion education
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