Autor/i: Rafał Kochańczyk, Dariusz Stachelek
Stranice: 117-130
UDK: 343.85:343.22-053.6(438)
Apstrakt: Practically every policeman patrolling different areas every day encounters the phenomena of social pathology. This article deals with the issues related to juvenile delinquency and its etiology. It briefly discusses the regulations governing proceedings towards minors in Polish law. The paper presents current juvenile delinquency issues in the Warmian - Masurian Voivodeship, which can serve as an indicator for preventive work in youth groups. Components of two training programs run at the Police Academy in Katowice are also presented. During the programmes the participants acquire knowledge essential for procedures related to detaining juvenile perpetrators of prohibited acts, who display signs of demoralization.
Ključne reči: juvenile, crime, prohibited act, demoralisation, training program
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