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Autor/i: Ylli Pjeternikaj, Valbona Nano, Altin Shegani

Stranice: 93-105
UDK: 343.24(496.5) 364-781.9:343.22(496.5)

Apstrakt: In this article, the authors reviewing history of development of the alternative sanctions in Albania. They examine the normative framework which regulates alternatives to imprisonment in this country. Additionally, authors analyze statistical parameters that shows positive trends, but also gaps in implementation practices. The particular attention authors pay to following issues: the non-proper understanding of the circumstances of their application; judicial reluctance; lack of necessary infrastructure for the implementation of certain types of alternative sentences. In final conclusions, they propose possible policy solutions in order to overcome current shortcomings.

Ključne reči: alternative sanctions, criminal sanctions, alternatives to imprisonment

Literature: – Baratta (1991) Les Fonctions instrumentals et les fonctions symboliques de droit penal, Revue Deviance et Societe, Vol. 15. – Kerchove, M. (2005) Les Fonctions de la Sanction Penale. Revue Informations Sociales, 7. – Mandro, A. et al. (2010) Manual on application of alternatives to imprisonment punishment. OSCE, Tirana. – Merle, R. Vitu, A. (1981) Traité de Droit Criminel, Tome I, Cujas. – Poncela, P, Le droit des amengaments de peine, essor et desordres In: Ministere de la Justice, Direction de l’Administrtaion Penitentiaire, “L’amenagement des peines privatives de liberte: l’execution de la peine autrement”, Collection Travaux & Documents n 79, Mai 2013 Laws: – Law no. 7895 dated 27.1.1995 “The Penal Code of the Republic of Albania”, as amended. – Law no 7905 dated 21.03.1995, “Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Albania”. – Law no. 8331, dated 21.04.1998 “On the execution of criminal decisions”. – Law no. 10494, dated 22.12.2011 “On the electronic surveillance of persons of limited freedom of movement under a court decision” Other Sources: – Judicial Decision no. 52, dated 12.02.2008 of the District Court of Korca. – Judicial Decision no. 124, dated 18.03.2011 of the District Court of Korca. – Judicial Decision no. 34, dated 29 April 2014 of the District Court of Korca. – http://www.drejtesia.gov.al/ – http://www.sherbimiproves.gov.al/