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Autor/i: István László Gál, Dávid Tóth

Stranice: 7-22
UDK: 343.51(439) 343.85:343.51(4-672EU)

Apstrakt: The article aims to analyze the risks of counterfeiting money. In the first part of the study we are going to analyze the theoretical and practical (statistical) side of counterfeiting money. We will look at the costs of combatting the crime, how fake money can effect the economy, the individual undertakers, and the monetary system. In a statistical standpoint how much financial damage is caused by the Forint and Euro currency counterfeiting in Hungary and in the area of the European Union. The second part of the contribution explores the possible solutions. What kind of legal and non-legal means can be used in combatting counterfeiting money? How effective, proportional and dissuasive is the current Hungarian regulation of the Criminal Code.

Ključne reči: counterfeiting money, national security, risk analysis

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